Out to Dinner

Curriculum: John and Marie Part 1
Published: 2020-08-23 by Charlie Samra
Out to Dinner

John and Marie have been dating for weeks.  John decided to splurge and invite Marie to dinner at Vetri Cucina, a very expensive Italian restaurant in the city.  John picked Marie up at 30th Street Station, and drove to the restaurant, which is on Spruce Street.

Marie: John, this is a really nice restaurant, but it is very expensive. I saw the menu online and it is not cheap!  Maybe we should go Dutch.

John: Go Dutch?  What are you a baby boomer?  Nobody says that anymore.  Anyway, don't worry about the bill.  This is my treat.  

They arrive at the restaurant in John's car, and hand the keys over to the parking valet.  They are seated by a lady at the reception desk, and are given menus.

John: Nice place.  Man I am starving, I could eat a horse.

Marie: Fortunately horse is not on the menu.  The surf and turf one looks good.  Let's start with a salad.

John: Sure whatever you want. I'll have the prime rib.  

After ordering, John has some news to share...

John:  Marie, the reason I wanted to come to a fancy place like this tonight is because I have a little announcement to make.

Marie: Oh really.  What is it?

John: Well.... I got the job!  And a big raise!  So no worries about the tab tonight - I have it covered.  

Marie:  Awesome!  You should have told me before we ordered.  I would have ordered something more expensive.

John: Sorry.   John laughs...

Marie: So, you're going to be a manager.  It should be interesting for you.  I hope you don't have any jerks on your team.  I know that one bad apple can cause havoc for a manager.

John: Actually, I do have one woman that has a reputation for being difficult.  I have not had the pleasure of working with her, but I hear she can be a handful.  I am going to try to talk to Elaine about her before she leaves.

Marie: Sounds like a good idea.  Anyway, I hope it works out.  I know letting people go is not fun.

John: Speaking of which, my boss told me the other day that there will be a re-org in a couple of months.  I hope I can keep my team intact.

Flash Card Drill

splurge     贅沢(ぜいたく)する
  • I splurged on a new set of golf clubs. They are the most expensive set I have ever bought.  
  • 私は新しいゴルフクラブのセットに贅沢しました。それらは私が今まで買った中で最も高価なセットです。
go Dutch     ()(かん)にする
  • I know you don't have a lot of money. We can go Dutch. It's ok.  
  • お金があまりないのはわかっています。割り勘にしましょう。大丈夫です。
baby boomer     団塊(だんかい)世代(せだい)
  • My dad is a baby boomer so he used to watch that old tv show.  
  • 私のお父さんは団塊の世代なので、昔のそのテレビ番組を見ていました。
I could eat a horse     (わたし)はとってもお(なか)()いています。
  • Man, I am so hungry I could eat a horse. What's for dinner?  
  • ああ、私はとってもお腹が空いています。夕食は何?
surf and turf     シーフードとステーキ
  • I am going to splurge and have the surf and turf. I haven't had lobster in ages!  
  • 私は贅沢してシーフードとステーキにします。私は長い間ロブスターを食べていません!
prime rib     プライムリブ
  • I like my prime rib very rare and bloody.  
  • 私は生っぽい血の出ているプライムリブが好きです。
jerk     (いや)(やつ)
  • His sister is really nice, but his brother is a real jerk.  
  • 彼の妹は本当にいい人です、しかし彼の兄は本当に嫌な奴です。
bad apple     悪玉(あくだま)
  • You should stay away from him. He's been to prison - a real bad apple.  
  • あなたは彼から離れているべきです。彼は刑務所にいたことがあります-本当に悪玉です。
havoc     (だい)混乱(こんらん)
  • The hurricane wreaked havoc on the entire coastline.  
  • ハリケーンは海岸線全体に大混乱をもたらしました。
reputation     評判(ひょうばん)
  • But his reputation and career were shattered when he failed a drug test.  
  • しかし、彼が薬物検査で落ちたとき、彼の評判とキャリアは打ち砕かれました。
difficult     気難(きむずか)しい
  • You don't want to understand. You're just being difficult.  
  • あなたは理解したくないのですね。あなたはただ気難しくしているだけです。
handful     厄介(やっかい)(しゃ)
  • Man, working with Jane is tough. She is a handful indeed.  
  • 全く、ジェーンと一緒に働くのは大変です。彼女は確かに厄介者です。
letting people go     解雇(かいこ)する
  • We are going to have a re-org, which means I will have to let some of my people go.  
  • 再編成を行う予定です。つまり、私の部署の一部の人を解雇しなければなりません。
re-org     (さい)編成(へんせい)
  • There will be a re-org next month, so I have to get my resume updated.  
  • 来月は再編成があるので、私の履歴書を更新する必要があります。
intact     そのままで
  • The church was almost in ruins but its tower remained intact.  
  • 教会はほとんど廃墟でしたが、その塔は無償のままで残りました。
