Yountville in February
Well, the holidays have been over for a while, and the Super Bowl was last Sunday. So, it was time to start thinking about doing a little wandering up in wine country. We decided to go to a restaurant we tried and liked last year called R&D Kitchen.
R&D Kitchen is in Yountville, which is about an hour or so from where we live in Oakland. It is located just north of Napa. Traffic was light. The weather was gorgeous. We got there at around 11:30am, which was a little early for lunch, so we decided to take a little walk down into the center of Yountville, which is about a 10 minute walk from the restaurant.
There were signs posted along the sidewalks saying that we should all be wearing masks, but we really did not need to be told. Everyone we encountered was wearing a mask, so I was glad to see that, and a little relieved too.
We walked by a few restaurants during our walk, and we could see we were not the only ones wanting to have a nice lunch on this beautiful day. As we walked by the French Laundry, which is a very upscale restaurant, I smiled. It was here in November that the Governor of California and his friends had a birthday party, ignoring his own recommendations about avoiding the coronavirus. The media found out about it, and wrote extensively about the governor's hypocrisy, as well as his elitism. Quite an embarrassment for him.
At one point we decided to circle back towards the restaurant, and soon we were at the outdoor reception table. We did not have reservations, so we had to wait for about 15 minutes before getting seated. The restaurant has a large patio with a good number of tables, and beyond that they have a more casual area with seats that surround fire pits. We waited there.
Finally, the waitress came over and led us to our table. The last time we were here, we sat at an elevated wooden table with seats like bar stools, which were ok but not that comfortable. This time we were seated at a regular table, with white table cloth and leather chairs. A pleasant surprise, considering that we didn't have a reservation!
Last time we both ordered the same thing, the ahi tuna burger. So one of us was going to order that again this time because it was awesome last time. Looking at the menu, the Thai Steak and Noodle Salad caught my eye. So we were set. Now you are probably wondering, no wine? You are in wine country after all! Well, neither of us drink anymore, so no wine for us. But I will assure you that all of the restaurants in the area have a great wine list. You can explore that yourself.
Our table was situated right next to a small koi pond. I was thinking at the time that this spot was so comfortable and pretty. We picked the right day for this little jaunt.
The Thai Noodles dish was delicious too. Not very spicy, but flavorful. Sauteed noodles, with chunks of mango and steak, along with carrots, avocado, tomatoes and mixed greens. A great combination.
After the main dishes, we ordered some dessert. The wife ordered the traditional chocolate sundae. Very fresh ice cream, with caramelized nuts and chocolate syrup. Big enough for two to share. I ordered a cappuccino, which hit the spot. At that point, I was so content that I had a hard time getting up to drive home. As they say, all good things must come to and end...
Flash Card Drill
- We went to Napa in wine country last week to buy a case of my favorite wine. 私たちは先週、私のお気に入りのワインの1ケースを買うためにワインカントリーのナパに行きました。
- Our families sat around the fire pit last night and watched the sun set. 私たちの家族は昨夜、炉の周りに座って夕日を眺めました。
- I ordered the ahi tuna salad, which was very fresh and flavorful. とても新鮮で風味豊かなアヒツナサラダを注文しました。
- The hamburger and fries I had for lunch really hit the spot. I was starving! ランチに食べたハンバーガーとフライドポテトは本当に申し分ない物でした。私はお腹がとてもすいていました!
- We wandered into the sushi restaurant on the corner, and sat down and ordered. 角にあるお寿司屋さんに立ち寄り、座って注文しました。
- The governor's hypocrisy was exposed by the newspaper media yesterday. 知事の偽善は昨日新聞メディアによって暴露されました。
- His actions smacked of elitism, and because of that he will have a tough time getting reelected. 彼の行動はエリート主義の気味があり、そのため彼は再選されるのに苦労するでしょう。
- His embarrassment when they discovered the truth was obvious. 彼らが真実を発見したときの彼の恥ずかしさは明白でした。
- Our little jaunt to Portland Oregon was more fun than I expected. オレゴン州ポートランドへの私たちの小さな旅は、私が思っていたよりも楽しかったです。
- We went to an upscale restaurant in New York City for my birthday. 私たちは私の誕生日にニューヨーク市の高級レストランに行きました。
- The Tampa Bay Buccaneers beat the Kansas City Chiefs to win the Super Bowl this year. タンパベイバッカニアーズは、カンザスシティチーフスを破り今年のスーパーボールで優勝しました。
- It was such a nice evening that we had dinner out on the patio. とても素敵な夜だったので、パティオで夕食をとりました。
- It was his recommendation that we cancel the concert as soon as possible due to the weather. 天候のため、できるだけ早くコンサートを中止するというのは彼が勧めた事です。
- Before you leave, I'll type up a recommendation letter. Hopefully it will help you land your next job. あなたが帰る前に、推薦状をタイプします。うまくいけば、それは貴方が次の仕事を獲得する助けになるでしょう。