When Opportunity Knocks
John and Harry meet at the office after the night out with Harry's friends.
Harry: Hey, so I got Marie's number. Here you go. Harry texts the number to John's iPhone.
John: Thanks. I'll contact her after work. I don't want to look too href='esl_viewVocabulary.php?p1=i8d7I4LEj8j7LEj'>anxious. John says laughing..
Harry: Sounds like a plan.
Elaine, the boss, walks up...
Elaine: 'morning guys. Hey John, do you have a minute?
John: Sure.
John follows Elaine to an empty conference room.
Elaine: So, I have a little news. I'm going to be moving on. I got an offer to work at B of A, and I am going to take it.
John: Wow. Um, congratulations Elaine! That sure is stunning news. What will you be doing there?
Elaine: I'll be a Vice President in the systems integration group.
John: Isn't everyone a vice president in a bank? Chuckling.
Elaine: Yes, I know, I know. But in the end I need a change. Elaine takes a sip of her coffee. The reason I am giving you an early heads up about this is I think you should apply for my job.
John: Hmmmm, you think so? I had not thought about going into management really.
Elaine: Well, you should mull it over. Look, you know that the technical career ladder here is very limited. This is a chance to make more money, and get some experience leading a team.
John: Ok, thanks Elaine. I'll give it some thought. Are they going to hire somebody before you leave? When's your last day.
Elaine: I gave them 3 weeks notice. So, Bill Lambert from HR will be leading the process of filling my position. If you get me your resume I'll make sure he gets it along with my recommendation.
John: Ok, let me think about it this evening. I'll let you know tomorrow. Thanks again Elaine.
- The class took their mid-term exams last week, and are anxious to hear the results. クラスは先週、中間試験を受けており、皆結果を聞きたがっています。
- Let's catch a movie after dinner, what do you say? - Sounds like a plan. 夕食後に映画を観ましょう、どう思いますか? - それはいい考えね。
- There was a stunning development overnight regarding the coronavirus. コロナウイルスに関して一夜にして驚くべき進化がありました。
- I considered going into management when I was younger but decided that it was not right for me. 若い頃に管理職に就くことを考えましたが、自分には合わないと思いました。
- Mr. Jones decided that his technical knowledge was lacking, so he enrolled in evening classes at the university. ジョーンズ氏は彼の技術的知識が不足していると判断したので、彼は大学の夜のクラスに入学しました。
- His career took a hit when his company ran into financial troubles. 彼の会社が財政難に陥ったとき、彼のキャリアは打撃を受けました。
- You need more experience on the job before I can promote you. 私があなたを昇進させる前に、あなたはその仕事についてもっと経験が必要です。
- I was stunned to hear that Nancy gave notice that she's leaving the firm. Sad to see her go. ナンシーが会社を辞める通知を出したと聞いて、私はびっくりしました。彼女がいなくなるのは悲しい。
- I complained to HR about Mary's always harassing me, and they just ignored me! 私はメアリーがいつも私に嫌がらせをしていることについて人事部に不平を言いましたが、彼らはただ私を無視しました!
- My position at the firm was eliminated. 会社での私の役職はなくなりました。
- Please send me your resume as soon as you can. I have an opening that might be perfect for you. できるだけ早く履歴書を送ってください。あなたにぴったりかもしれない空いているポジションがあります。
- It was his recommendation that we cancel the concert as soon as possible due to the weather. 天候のため、できるだけ早くコンサートを中止するというのは彼が勧めた事です。
- Before you leave, I'll type up a recommendation letter. Hopefully it will help you land your next job. あなたが帰る前に、推薦状をタイプします。うまくいけば、それは貴方が次の仕事を獲得する助けになるでしょう。