Breathe Deeply

Curriculum: Dr. John Tanaka, MD
Published: 2021-06-16 by Charlie Samra
Breathe Deeply

I'm seeing a new patient today.  She is an adult woman, age 54, named Betty Lanister. She just moved to California.  Unfortunately, we have not received her medical record from her previous healthcare provider.  I think we'll spend most of our time going over her preexisting conditions and current treatment regimen.

Ms. Lanister filled out a medical survey while waiting in the lobby, and that was entered into the computer system.

Dr. Tanaka: So Ms. Lanister, could you tell me a little bit about your medical history, and the medications you take now?

Ms. Lanister: Well, about two years ago I reached menopause.  I'm taking estrogen as part of hormone replacement therapy my last doctor started me on.  Otherwise I think I am in fairly good shape.

Dr. Tanaka: So, I see that you had asthma as a child.  Could you tell me a little about that?

Ms. Lanister:  Yes, my asthma started when I was 7 years old. Both my parents were smokers so that didn't help.  As I got older, it seemed to go away for the most part, but I still feel shortness of breath sometimes.  My last doctor prescribed me an inhaler so I have it if I need it.

Dr. Tanaka:  I see you were a smoker too?  Do you still smoke?

I knew the answer.  I could smell the tobacco smoke on her clothes.

Ms. Lanister:  Well, to be honest, occasionally I do smoke.  I took up smoking in high school.  It was cool then.  So I guess I have been smoking for almost 40 years.  In my defense, I've cut down a lot in the last few years.  Now I smoke only around ten cigarettes a day.  

I could see that she was uncomfortable answering that question.  I was thinking that I really need to get her to quit smoking somehow.

Dr. Tanaka: Well, perhaps that does not sound like a lot, but it does affect your heart and lungs. Plus, smokers are more susceptible to respiratory diseases like COVID.  If you stay on this path, you may eventually develop COPD.  

Ms. Lanister: What is COPD exactly? I have heard of it of course but I don't know what it really is all about.

Dr. Tanaka: COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It is the name for two major breathing diseases that cause airways in your lungs to become obstructed, or blocked.  They are obstructive chronic bronchitis and emphysema.  It's these serious conditions that I want to make sure you will be able to avoid in the future.  In order to do that, you'll need to make a commitment to stop smoking.

Ms. Lanister: But after 40 years I really don't know if I can quit now.  I've tried, but always came back to smoking.

Dr. Tanaka: Sure, I understand, it is not an easy thing to do.  But let's try some things and see if they work.  First, I'm going to give you some contact info about a few smoking cessation programs that I know of.  According to their literature, they have a good track record of getting people to stop.  They'll give you some more info about support groups.  Please join one of those programs and get involved with a support group too.

Ms. Lanister:  Ok, sounds good.

Dr. Tanaka:  Second, I'd like to see if nicotine replacement therapy patch will help.  You can pick up a package of Nicorette in the hospital pharmacy today.

Ms. Lanister:  I've tried one of those before but obviously it did not work.  I'll give it another try.

Dr. Tanaka:  Third, I am going to prescribe Chantix to help you break your addiction to nicotine.  So this is the plan.  Let's pick a stop smoking date.  How about two weeks from now?

Ms. Lanister: Um, ok I guess.  Yes, let's do it.  Two Wednesdays from today.  

Dr. Tanaka: Good.  So starting today take Chantix for those two weeks leading up to the big day, and continue to take it for the remainder of the dose.  Use the patch daily per the instructions on the package.  And as I mentioned before, get involved with a support group.  Get your family involved.  And reach out to me if you need to talk, or have questions.  Sound good?

Ms. Lanister: Yes doctor, I'll definitely give it a try.  I really don't know if I am up to this, but I will do my best.

Dr. Tanaka:  Sounds great, Betty.  I really think this combination of approaches will work for you.  One last thing.  I've ordered some blood tests and a chest X-RAY for you to establish a baseline.  Please stop into the lab on your way out.  Somebody from Radiology will contact you about an appointment.  Take care, Betty.

asthma     喘息(ぜんそく)
  • Asthma can't be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled.  
shortness of breath     呼吸(こきゅう)困難(こんなん)
  • While I was climbing the stairs at the office I felt shortness of breath. I need to get that checked out.  
inhaler     吸入(きゅうにゅう)()
  • I had an asthma attack while at work yesterday, but fortunately I had my inhaler handy.  
  • People that were heavy smokers often develop COPD later in life.  
obstructive chronic bronchitis     閉塞(へいそく)(せい)慢性(まんせい)気管支炎(きかんしえん)
  • My grandmother is in the hospital again with breathing problems. The doctor's diagnostic report says that she has something called obstructive chronic bronchitis, which is a type of COPD.  
emphysema     肺気腫(はいきしゅ)
  • The xrays and symptoms tell us that he has emphysema, and so he'll need oxygen to breathe more easily for the rest of his life.  
smoking cessation program     禁煙(きんえん)プログラム
  • I've enrolled into a smoking cessation program to help me quit the habit.  
lungs     (はい)
  • My lungs were damaged badly from all my years of smoking.  
nicotine     ニコチン
  • I wish they would make a cigarette with zero nicotine.  
Radiology     放射線(ほうしゃせん)(がく), 放射線(ほうしゃせん)()
  • The doctor sent me down to Radiology to have a CT scan.  
susceptible     影響(えいきょう)されやすい
  • Because of his immune system deficiency, he is susceptible to cold viruses.  
respiratory disease     呼吸(こきゅう)()疾患(しっかん)
  • He contracted pneumonia, a common respiratory disease that affects older folks the most.  
preexisting condition     既往(きおう)(れき)持病(じびょう)
  • The United States, with Obamacare, does not allow insurance companies to exclude individuals that have a preexisting condition.  
bronchitis     気管支炎(きかんしえん)
  • An XRAY of Mr. Jones showed a serious case of bronchitis in his lungs.  
treatment regimen     治療(ちりょう)計画(けいかく)
  • His treatment regimen was altered due to his worsening condition.  
menopause     月経(げっけい)閉止(へいし)閉経(へいけい)()更年期(こうねんき)
  • My mother reached menopause when she was 50 years old.  
