Marie Wiley is single, and lives in an apartment in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. She is 29 years old.
Cherry Hill is right across the Delaware River from Philadelphia. It is considered to be a suburb of Philadelphia even though it is not in Pennsylvania. Many people who live on Cherry Hill work in Center City Philadelphia.
Marie graduated from Haddonfield Memorial High School in 1999. She attended college at the University of Pennsylvania in the city, and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science in 2003.
While in high school, Marie was involved in many after school activities. She was on the Debate Club, the History Club, and a member of the Student Council. Marie had an early interest in politics and government, probably due to her mother's involvement in local government.
Marie works at Ballard Spahr LLP, a prestigious law firm in Philadelphia. While working at the firm, Marie attended graduate school at U of P in the evenings and weekends, and eventually graduated with a Master in Law Degree in 2005.
Marie's father James works as a car salesman at the local Ford Motors dealership. Her mother Jennifer is a Councilwoman on the Cherry Hill Township Council. Marie is an only child.
Flash Card Drill
- We live in the Los Angeles suburbs, about 20 miles north of the center of the city. 私たちは、街の中心から北に約20マイル離れたロサンゼルス郊外に住んでいます。
- Mr. Jones studied political science in college, and subsequently went into politics. ジョーンズ氏は大学で政治学を学び、その後政治関連の仕事に入りました。
- Most of the political science majors decided to work for the government after they graduated. 政治学専攻の学生のほとんどは、卒業後、政府のために働くことを決心しました。
- The Federal Government has failed completely to control the spread of the coronavirus. 連邦政府は、コロナウイルスの蔓延を制御する事において完全に失敗しました。
- The US government has three branches - the executive, the judicial, and the legislative branches. 米国政府には、行政、司法、立法の3つの支部があります。
- "I didn't say I couldn't handle the politics, just that I didn't like them," he replied. 「私は政治を扱えないとは言わなかった、ただ私は政治が好きではなかったというだけだ」と彼は答えた。
- Ms. Jones is a councilwoman on the Oakland City Council. ジョーンズさんはオークランド市議会の女性評議員です。
- He was an only child, so I think he was lonely growing up. 彼は一人っ子だったので、寂しく育っていたと思います。
- Being an only child, I am very comfortable being alone. 一人っ子なので、一人でいることはとても快適です。
- After school activities can let your child's creative instincts fly, improve their social spirit or get them active in fitness. 放課後の活動は、子供の創造的な本能を開かせ、社会的精神を向上させたり、健康に関して積極的に関わらせたりすることができます。
- She worked in the accounting department of the Ford car dealership in Sacramento. 彼女はサクラメントのフォード自動車販売店の経理部門で働いていました。
- Alice received a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Florida. アリスはフロリダ大学で学士号を取得しています。
- The high school student decided to attend Temple University upon graduation. その高校生は卒業したらテンプル大学に通うことに決めた。
- He is considered to be one of the best soccer players in the world. 彼は世界で最高のサッカー選手の一人と見なされています。
- The lawyer said that Mr. Smith was not involved in the crime. 弁護士は、スミス氏は犯罪に関わっていなかったと述べた。
- The most prestigious university in Philadelphia is the University of Pennsylvania. フィラデルフィアで最も名声ある大学はペンシルベニア大学です。
- Eventually, the rain stopped and the sun came out. やがて雨はやみ、太陽が出てきました。