A Hike and Lunch at Hatonosu Canyon

Did you ever get to the point where you needed to get away from the big city? Are you a tourist that has had their mind overloaded with so much stuff to see in Tokyo that your head is spinning? Well, it might be time to take a day off from the tour grind and go to the countryside to relax.
To that end, I did some exploration of the area to the far west of Tokyo, beyond Ome, along the Tama River. This day trip was a solo affair to Hatonosu Canyon to see the fall colors, stretch my legs with a bit of a hike, and have a nice lunch. I checked all three boxes on this trip.
I arrived at Hatonosu Station on the Ome Line a little before lunchtime. To get there from our home near Mitaka, I took the Ome express train from Mitaka Station on the Chuo Line, and then switched to the Ome Line at Ome.
The stretch of train ride from Ome to Hatonosu is actually quite scenic. The track is surrounded by hills and valleys on each side, and so there's plenty to look at.
Upon arrival at Hatonosu Station, the air was crisp, and the sunshine was bright - perfect for a hike. The first thing I wanted to do is cross the bridge and walk the trail along the river. The water was an azure blue, spashing over the large rocks with ferocity. The view of the canyon, surrounded by hills of autumn foliage, just takes the mind into a calm zone.

The trail along the river goes way downstream, but I just walked about twenty minutes before I turned back. I was getting hungry! So after I walked back on the trail to the bridge, and crossed it towards the station. There I wandered around looking for a place to eat, and found Kikori Cafe Tokyo just off the main road. The cafe is perched on the hillside, which provides a nice view of the valley from the tables along the windows. What a pleasant surprise this place was. I had the BLT, which hit the spot.

After lunch I wandered the streets above the station, and took in the views of the valley from a higher perspective. There are a couple of unmarked trails in the hills that are worth checking out if you have the time.

In any case, I really enjoyed this little side trip outside the city, and perhaps you will too. It's a great place to recharge your batteries!
Flash Card Drill
- The truck was overloaded with supplies. トラックは物資で過負荷になっていた。
- She felt overloaded with work and responsibilities. 彼女は仕事と責任で過負荷を感じた。
- The Grand Canyon is a stunning natural wonder. グランドキャニオンは素晴らしい自然の驚異だ。
- Hiking through the canyon is an unforgettable experience. 峡谷をハイキングするのは忘れられない経験だ。
- The foliage in autumn is incredibly vibrant. 秋の葉は信じられないほど鮮やかだ。
- The dense foliage provided shelter from the sun. 密集した葉が太陽からの避難所を提供した。
- The lettuce was fresh and crisp. レタスは新鮮でパリッとしていた。
- I love the crisp sound of autumn leaves under my feet. 足元の秋の葉のパリッとした音が好きだ。
- My morning run was greeted by a crisp, cool breeze from the north. 朝のランニングは、北からのさわやかな涼しい風に迎えられました。
- The house was surrounded by tall trees. 家は高い木に囲まれていた。
- She felt surrounded by love and support. 彼女は愛とサポートに囲まれていると感じた。
- The children were spashing in the puddles. 子供たちは水たまりではねていた。
- Water was spashing against the rocks. 水が岩に当たってはねていた。
- The ferocity of the storm surprised everyone. 嵐の獰猛さは皆を驚かせた。
- The bird was perched on a tree branch. 鳥は木の枝に止まっていた。
- She sat perched on the edge of the cliff. 彼女は崖の端に止まって座っていた。
- The fish swam downstream towards the larger lake. 魚は大きな湖に向かって下流に泳いでいた。
- There are many hazards downstream from the dam. ダムの下流には多くの危険がある。
- Her perspective on the issue was very insightful. 彼女のその問題に対する視点は非常に洞察に満ちていた。