Okutama Mukashi Michi Trailhead and Hikawa Gorge

Curriculum: The Sights, Sounds, Smells, and Tastes of Japan
Published: 2024-12-09 by Charlie Samra
Okutama Mukashi Michi Trailhead and Hikawa Gorge

The leaves were already changing on the mountain trees in early November. I was afforded another sunny day on my first trip to the Okutama area. Actually, the name Okutama is often used to refer to the entire area between Ome and Lake Okutama, but I am really referring to the immediate area around Okutama Station on the Ome Line.  This area on the map is marked as Hikawa.

My goal today was to do a little hiking on the Okutama Mukashi Michi Trail, and check out HIkawa Gorge.  So, after I reached Okutama Station, I made my way towards the trailhead.  On the way I passed the gorge, but I decided to spend time there after my hike.  It'll still be there when I return.

Okutama Station
Okutama Station
The bridge over the Tama River - Route 411
The bridge over the Tama River - Route 411

So I crossed the bridge over the river on Route 411, and proceeded past a number of small shops until I found the trailhead on my right.  I made my way onto the trail, which was well marked, and even paved on some portions of it. I followed it along the tree line, with the idea that I'd make a big circle up and around the ridge, coming down at a place not too far from where I started.

It was close to noon at this point. If you were wondering about lunch, well yeah, I wouild have loved to grab some, but the restaurants near the station were not enticing enough for me.  I wasn't that hungry anyway so I just plowed forward.

Okutama Trail Map
Okutama Trail Map
The trail on my circular excursion west of the station
The trail on my circular excursion west of the station

Views along the path were serene, as there was very little wind that day.  At one point I came upon a Shinto Shrine that did not appear to have a name.  It was rather small, with some statues strewn about, and the odd thing was that a newer building was enclosing an older shrine inside, or so it appeared.  Even on Google Maps it only refers to this place as Shrine, so it is still a mystery.  If you find out what this is, please send me a note!

The mystery Shrine!
The mystery Shrine!
The view from the mystery Shrine down towards the river valley
The view from the mystery Shrine down towards the river valley

After completing my circular route, I returned back to the same bridge I had crossed earlier.  There I found some signs for Hikawa Gorge, so off I went down the hill to see it.  Frankly not much to get excited about.  I did see on the way a very old cluster of trees that fronted Okuhigawa Shrine.  These tall tree upshoots are referred to as Hikawa Sanbon Sugi, or three cedar tree.  Wrapped in ceremonial rope, they are considered sacred.

Hikawa Sanbon Sugi
Hikawa Sanbon Sugi
The little quaint grocery store near the gorge path entrance
The little quaint grocery store near the gorge path entrance

As I walked down the hill past the Community Center I noticed a group of four older folks playing croquet.  I stopped to watch for a few minutes, and got a few smiles from the players when they noticed me.  Ah, when was the last time I played croquet?  It's got to be at least 30 years ago.

The gorge itself is just a confluence of streams, and so not that exciting per se, but it is a nice view from the small bridge that spans the watery intersection.  

The small bridge at Hikawa Gorge
The small bridge at Hikawa Gorge
Just a little early to see autumn foliage, but not bad!
Just a little early to see autumn foliage, but not bad!

Ok, so now I was really hungry, so I took one final look around for a decent lunch spot.  I thought I found one, but as I looked in the doorway of the tiny restaurant, the lady at the counter gave me the wave off.  If you are a foreignor that has lived in Japan any length of time, you know what I mean.  Oh well, I ended up grabing something on my way home. 



Flash Card Drill

gorge     (きょう)(たに)
  • The hikers were excited to explore the gorge.  
  • ハイカーたちは峡谷を探検することに興奮しました。
  • The view from the top of the gorge was breathtaking.  
  • 峡谷の頂上からの景色は息を呑むほど美しかった。
serene     (おだや)()
  • The lake was serene, reflecting the mountains around it.  
  • 湖は穏やかで、その周囲の山々を映していました。
  • She enjoyed the serene atmosphere of the early morning.  
  • 彼女は早朝の穏やかな雰囲気を楽しんでいました。
paved     ()(そう)
  • The trail was paved, making it accessible for everyone.  
  • そのトレイルは舗装されていて、誰でもアクセスできました。
  • Many city roads are paved for easier travel.  
  • 多くの市道は移動を容易にするために舗装されています。
confluence     (ごう)(りゅう)
  • The confluence of the two rivers created a beautiful landscape.  
  • 二つの川の合流は美しい景観を作り出しました。
  • We visited the confluence to see where the waters met.  
  • 私たちは水が合流する場所を見るために合流点を訪れました。
culprit     (はん)(にん)
  • The police identified the culprit behind the theft.  
  • 警察は盗難の背後にいる犯人を特定しました。
  • Finding the culprit is essential for justice.  
  • 犯人を見つけることは正義のために重要です。
