Here are the chronicles of my adventures in Japan. Living in western Tokyo, I've had the opportunity to visit all the major tourist hotspots, and some places off the beaten track. The latter category is normally saved for a person's second or third trip to Japan, but if you want to spice your first trip up a bit, you can try one of these.
Follow the travels and travails of the wanderers as they travel here and there, and check out new and interesting sights and restaurants.
Interesting news items from around the world, and some of my views about the world we live in, culture, society, life, or frankly anything that will stimulate discussion.
Traveling has become a major focus in my retirement years.
In 1982, I quit my Job at the Social Security Administration to travel to Europe. I took out all of my retirement pension money, and together with my meager bank savings account, embarked on a summer long journey to as many countries as my money would carry me to.
I traveled very cheaply. With Europass in hand, I visited over 15 countries during my summer of adventure. It was truly a life changing experience, because it gave me the confidence to continue my travels, most notably my move to Japan in 1984.
Flash forward to 2018. The wife and ...
This curriculum includes lessons, vocabulary and quizzes that focus on the lives of John and Marie, a typical couple navigating life together. We begin the story before John and Marie met, going back in time to the 1990's. From there we will follow their journey through their early working years, how they met, their relationship, and well, we shall see where the story leads!
There will be many idioms included in the lessons that are used very commonly by native English speakers. Knowledge of idioms should be a priority for advanced English learners.
This curriculum provides a high level review of the hardware, software, and network components of a personal computer.
This curriculum of lessons will focus on healthcare in many different facets. Follow Dr. Tanaka as he works his wonders, providing the best care for his patients.
Please note - these lessons should not to be used for the diagnosis or treatment any any real illness. They are intended to get you familiar with common ailments and their English descriptions. If you are ill, consult a real doctor or website that specializes in medical information instead of this website. Thank you for your attention!
Sometimes we want to get away from it all, right? We want to go to a place where we are isolated from the daily grind, pressure, and well, life in general. That is where VR and AR come in. We'll explore the latest technologies and products out there, and learn some new English words too!
How about a little Samra family culture to lightenup up your day? Click the link below to see our collection of Samraisms!
Published: 2020-10-30
John and Marie share their date experience with their best friends. Is this the start of a real relationship? We shall see...
Published: 2020-10-25
John and Marie had agreed to meet at The Dandelion, a British pub on 18th Street, at 6pm on Friday. John arrives first, at about 5:45. He finds an empty table, and sits down.
Published: 2020-10-12
Harry invited John to come out for drinks with some of Harry's friends from college. They arrive at the Franklin Bar on 18th St. at around 6pm, and Harry sees his crowd at a table towards the back of the bar.
Published: 2020-10-11
John has been working at Comcast for 5 years. He has made a lot of friends at the office, but Harry is his best buddy. Both John and Harry work in the systems engineering department.
Published: 2020-10-01
Meet Marie Wiley. She is single, and lives in an apartment in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. She is 29 years old. Marie is ambitious, and knows what she wants.
Meet John Chestnut. He is single, and lives in a condo in the Penn's Landing neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is 32 years old.
New Lessons
Hatoyama Hall is one of those important residences in Tokyo that many people overlook. Some Japanese folks may know of the Hatoyama family because of their legacy, but your typical tourist will have no idea who they were. Include me as someone who knew nothing about the Hatoyama's until I stumbled on their little palace in Google Maps.
One sunny afternoon in December we strolled up to the Ministry of Justice building, or more commonly known as the Red Brick Building. Getting in to see the museum inside was a bit of a challange, but I have a tip for you so you don't run into a roadblock.
Ever wonder where dignitaries from other countries get entertained in Tokyo? I never thought about it until I came across pictures of Prime Minister Kishida welcoming the Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. at Akasaka Palace. I was pleasantly surprised that I could tour this magnificant estate.
I took another solo trip out west of Tokyo along the Tama River to Okutama in early November. Another beautiful sunny day for hiking the Okutama Mukashi Michi Trailhead and a quick peek at Hikawa Gorge.
My December 2023 visit to Hatonosu Canyon was the beginning of my infatuation with the area along the Tama River beyond Ome. Nice walking trail along the river and a charming lunch spot were highlights of this day trip.
I have a few destinations northwest of Tokyo for you to consider if you are interested in seeing a bit of nature and even a little hiking. The first one is in the area between Sawai and Mitake stations, starting at Seiryu Garden Sawanoi-en for lunch, and then a little hike to Mitake Gorge along the Tama River.
If you have been following my explolits in Japan you will know that I have written about a couple of estates that were built upon western architectural principles. The estate built for Hisaya Iwasaki is another great example of Japan's interest in western architecture at the turn of the 19th century.
Here we are the day after the presidential election in the United States. Who would have guessed that Trump would win? Everybody, duh.
It is rare that a little league team from where I grew up makes it all the way to the Little League World Series. It brought back a bunch of memories for me, especially about the last game in which I played.
Niagara Falls Canada vacation during the summer of 2024. Niagara Falls located at the southern end of the Niagara Gorge, is a breathtaking natural wonder that spans the border between Canada and the United States.